I’ve never been much of a magic fan (I’m far too sceptical) so when a friend asked if I wanted to catch a show during the Edinburgh International Magic Festival I was a little bit meh about the idea. Still, it was a good excuse to have some friend-time – and I was given the privilege of picking which show we’d see, so I figured I was pretty safe.
Owing to my sceptical ways, I decided we should see David Blanco’s “Honest Lies” performance. I hoped that maybe he would share some of the secrets behind the tricks, which would be quite fun. Of course, he didn’t. (Which shouldn’t be surprising.) But he did constantly remind us that each trick was merely an illusion or an act of “sleight of hand”. I already knew that, but I was pleased that he actually reminded the audience of that along the way.
I think last night might have been the first magic show I’ve seen as an adult but I’m pleased to say that I did find some childish enjoyment in it. It also brought back happy memories of my Daddy’s days as an amateur magician. Which was basically him and his magic kit (it’s still in a closet at the folks’ home, I believe) performing for me and my sisters at birthday parties.
The only real disappointment of the night was that there were no rabbits. I was really, really hoping that Mr Blanco would pull a rabbit out of something at some point. But he didn’t. Oh well…
I don’t suppose there’s a real point to this post other than I’m trying to get back into the habit of regular blogging again. So, ta-da!
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