Halfway to failure
A year ago this time, I was excitedly telling you that I was halfway to succeeding in my 2012 Race a Month Challenge. Sadly, halfway through my 2013 challenge, I’m here to tell you that I’m failing miserably.
The year started with a missed race because of weather followed by race cancellations due to forestry work. I finally managed my first race of the year in March followed by a disastrous race in April.
In May I had to cancel my marathon plans because of a low platelet count and various minor illnesses that kept me from running any races in June (though I did manage some training runs).
So here I am, halfway through the year and only two races under my belt – when I should have at least six. Worse is that I don’t know if I will manage a race for July because I’ve yet to find one I can travel to. And I don’t know what country I’ll be in come August, so I can’t register for a race that month.
What does all of this mean? Well, it means that I need to manage 10 races in the next six months. I don’t know if I can do it, but I do know I need to figure out a way to make it happen. Because I can’t not make good on a New Year’s challenge – that would be so un-me!
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