Thirty-seven birthday wishes
Today is my 37th birthday. And the birthday girl gets to make wishes. And I don’t believe in the whole “if you tell anyone your wish it won’t come true” malarkey, so I’m sharing my birthday wishes with you – all 37 of them.
I am truly blessed because I know that I have family and friends around the world who will help make so many of my birthday wishes come true. Thank you, everyone, for being part of my life!
I wish for:
- A year where I am happy and carefree
- Good health
- Good health for my family and friends
- My nieces and nephews to have all of their dreams come true
- Schrodie to be happy with Parker, my amazing nephew who will [hopefully] be taking over service to the cat when I leave for Scotland
- The confidence to know that I’m making the right decisions in my life
- The strength to carry on when things seem hopeless
- The ability to forgive others graciously
- Composure when I’m facing upsetting situations
- Laughter when I can’t stop crying
- Laughter for no reason at all
- Friends who support me
- Friends who allow me to support them
- The ability to laugh at my mistakes
- More empathy and sympathy when dealing with the struggles of others
- My foster daughter to have a bright and happy future filled with love and security
- Children around the world to be safe and secure, without fear of abandonment or starvation
- The ability to be kind even to the cruelest of people
- Patience and understanding in all situations
- An end to wars and strife and struggles around the world
- A world filled with love and acceptance
- The courage to always do what is right, even when it’s not popular
- The enthusiasm needed to succeed in school
- The knowledge and intelligence needed to succeed in school
- The humility to accept my faults
- The esteem to love myself despite my faults
- The acceptance to love others despite their faults
- The health to complete my first [and last?] marathon in October
- The good sense to not make myself ill by pushing myself too hard
- The faith to remember that God is there beside me even when I feel abandoned
- Good fortunes in love and happiness for my family and friends
- Good fortunes in employment and wealth for my family and friends
- My days to be filled with child-like wonderment and laughter
- Days where I laugh so hard that my sides ache
- Good friends to celebrate my joys with
- Good friends to commiserate my sorrows with
- And a windfall of money so that I don’t have to stress about my finances for the next year (Come on, you didn’t think all of my wishes were going to be for sunshine and happiness, did you?)
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Um, I love all of your wishes, I do, but I can’t get over whatever that tart thing is you’re eating. Yummmmy! Seriously, it’s a little like torture seeing that picture because jeff and I are having a contest, so I’m not eating sugar. So eat double helpings for me!
what wonderful birthday wishes!
hope you had a very happy 37th birthday
Happy birthday tooo yooooooooooou, happy birthday to yoooooooooooooooou!!! LalalALLAlalaLAlalalaalALLALALA! 🙂 I pray that all your wishes come true, even the last one! What awaits you is going to be AWESOME! xxx 😀
Sorry I missed your big day – but we did celebrate with nearly 18″ of confetti (snow)!
You are an amazing, strong woman and I wish you the most amazing year!