100 random things

My friend posted a list of 100 random things her daughter wrote about herself out of boredom and I thought Iā€™d give it a shot and create my own list. So, if youā€™re not already bored, this should help…

100 Random Things about Just Frances

  1. I am the preantepenultimate Cook Girl.
  2. I enjoy showing off my vocabulary skills.
  3. I cringe when I see incorrect grammar, spelling, and punctuation. But I only correct errors when Iā€™m being paid to do so. [To clarify: I generally correct the errors in my mind, but only tell people of the errors when Iā€™m paid or otherwise requested to do so.]
  4. I think that demonstrating the ability to change a vehicleā€™s tires and oil should be a compulsory part of passing a driversā€™ license test.
  5. I wear glasses and will never get eye surgery because I like that the glasses obscure the fact that I donā€™t wear makeup.
  6. Iā€™m a distance runner. (Well, I dabble in the sport at least.)
  7. I am Catholic.
  8. I joined the school cross country team because the coach asked me after church in front of my dad and the priest. How could I say no?
  9. I have never felt at home in my hometown.
  10. I am proud of my small town red neck roots.
  11. I found my true place of belonging in Scotland nearly 10 years ago.
  12. I am returning to Scotland later this year!!
  13. I am rubbish at math[s] and I donā€™t care.
  14. I am correct handed (also known as left handed).
  15. I believe that there is a conspiracy in the works by right-handers who are jealous of us amazing lefties. Even pens are made with righties in mind! (But not all of them!)
  16. I have hazel eyes that are more on the green end of the spectrum, but wish that I had truly green eyes.
  17. I pretend to be happy even when Iā€™m sad.
  18. I canā€™t fake tears; Iā€™ve tried.
  19. I am dyslexic. (Yet I edit things for a living. Ironic!)
  20. I had speech therapy as a child.
  21. I am the co-inventor of the term SUBS Syndrome and hope that one day the term is widely used to describe the condition of sudden, uncontrollable bursts of sarcasm.
  22. I honestly believe that the media is helping to perpetuate ignorance in our society. The biggest culprit being the ā€œnewsā€ media.
  23. My masterā€™s degree will be in media and culture, so Iā€™ll get to do a lot of research on this very issue!
  24. I once sang on stage with Pat Benatar who was opening at the Gorge Amphitheatre for the Steve Miller Band. Really. True story.
  25. Iā€™m a little bit country and a little bit rock-n-roll all at once.
  26. I like candy, but I could live without chocolate.
  27. I love to fly!
  28. I prefer the aisle seat on airplanes.
  29. I say a prayer asking God to guide the hands of the crew and to keep us safe in our journey; and I ask that if His plans donā€™t include our survival that He comfort our loved ones. I do this for every take off and landing because something compels me to.
  30. I try to order low-sodium meals on the plane and drink lots of water so that Iā€™m refreshed and non-puffy when I arrive. I even wash my face 2-3 times on long flights to/from the UK. I think it helps the jetlag. But that might not be true.
  31. I canā€™t decide which movies I like better: The Godfather series or the Monty Python movies.
  32. I have polycystic kidney disease. Itā€™s a genetic condition with no cure. But some smart people are working to find a cure!
  33. I have a blood disease called idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. Even the haematologists who study it donā€™t know much about it. Which sucks for me.
  34. Despite my medical maladies, I think Iā€™m mostly healthy.
  35. I dream that my doctor will one day say ā€œTo live a long and healthy life you must eat lots of good steak and salty, deep-fried foods, drink lots of wine, and smoke.ā€ Of course, if I hear those words I know itā€™s time to find a new doctor.
  36. I cry myself to sleep at least once a week.
  37. I recently ended a friendship that I didnā€™t want to end. Iā€™m sure it will be one of the reasons I cry myself to sleep over the next few weeks.
  38. I havenā€™t slept through the night since Paul died.
  39. I sometimes wonder if Iā€™ll ever sleep well again.
  40. I thought that I was ugly growing up because one of my sisters told me over and over again that I was. (Funny, we all look alike!)
  41. I thought that I was stupid growing up because a couple of my teachers said I was.
  42. As an adult, Iā€™ve learned to love myself and know that Iā€™m good looking and intelligent.
  43. One of my Paulā€™s friends told me that Iā€™m a great person and Iā€™ll find someone new when Iā€™m readyĀ ā€“Ā but that Iā€™d have better luck if Iā€™d dumb it down a bit. (Said person has likely never been married for a reason.)
  44. Several of Paulā€™s friends have become my friends and I donā€™t think I could have survived the world without him without them.
  45. I didnā€™t go on my first date until I was 20 years old.
  46. I married my first true love.
  47. We were a month shy of our 4th anniversary when he died.
  48. I try to be happy and enjoy life because I know itā€™s what Paul wants for me.
  49. I sometimes think that Iā€™ll meet someone new and fall in love and get married again and I know that Paul would be OK with that. But I canā€™t be bothered to date because no one is good enough for me.
  50. Thinking that no one was good enough for me is what gave me a reputation for being an overly-picky dater in my 20s.
  51. Being an overly-picky dater meant that when I did land a man, I got the best one on the market!
  52. A stupid woman once told me that the reason I canā€™t have kids is that God thinks Iā€™d be a bad mom.
  53. I have been a foster mom for a little over six months nowĀ ā€“Ā so at least the State of Washington thinks Iā€™d be a good mom!
  54. Paul and I planned to adopt two adorable children before he died.
  55. Sometimes Iā€™m heartbroken that I may never get to be someoneā€™s mom.
  56. I have 17 nieces and nephews and 2 great nephews.
  57. It irritates some of my sisters that their children want to be so much like me.
  58. Iā€™ve had green hair. And pink, purple, blue, yellow, orange, jet-black, and bleach-blonde. Sometimes multiple colours all at once!
  59. My favourite colour is green.
  60. My first car was a 1978 Ford Granada.
  61. My friends and I sanded it down, primed it black, and then painted a big yellow smiley face on the hood and flowers and peace signs all over the body. It was awesome.
  62. I passed my driving test on the first try.
  63. I taught Paul how to drive.
  64. Iā€™ve taught some of my nieces and nephews how to shift gears. (But please donā€™t tell their moms!)
  65. I have a fascination with butterflies and have since I was a young child.
  66. I have a butterfly tattoo.
  67. I played clarinet in the school band.
  68. I am training for the Loch Ness Marathon.
  69. I am a Pisces.
  70. I was born in the Year of the Tiger.
  71. I don’t believe in astrology stuff.
  72. I will be 37 years old on Monday.
  73. I donā€™t really like to make a fuss about my birthday.
  74. I have read dictionaries and encyclopaedias for entertainment since I was in junior high.
  75. I donā€™t like romance novels because they make me uncomfortable.
  76. My friends think I am a prude.
  77. I try never to use profanity because I think itā€™s vulgar and shows a lack of respect. (But sometimes it slips out in a heated moment of upset.)
  78. I taught myself how to knit and crochet but can only make basic things like scarves and afghans.
  79. I like root beer.
  80. I donā€™t really care for Coke or Pepsi.
  81. When I was in my late-teens and early-20s, Iā€™d hang out at the local 24-hour diner with my friends drinking coffee and eating cheesy fries with ranch dressing. It was awesome!
  82. I am considered a computer and gadget geek by my family and friends.
  83. I love Doctor Who, but I hate SciFi.
  84. I define SciFi as anything I donā€™t like.
  85. I always like to have the best gadgets in the room. Sadly, some of my new friends are gadget geeks with better incomes so this is hard to do now.
  86. I love my family.
  87. I am going to miss my cat, Schrodie, so much when I move to Scotland.
  88. I am going to miss my family so much when I move to Scotland.
  89. I used to have Mork & Mindy suspenders (braces) when I was a kid and I wish I still had them now.
  90. I loved Weebles as a child. They were awesome they way they weebled and wobbled but didnā€™t fall down!
  91. I always wanted tassels on my handlebars when I was a kid. But not so much that I got them as an adult.
  92. My favourite toys growing up were a telescope, a microscope, a rocket kit, and an electric circuit board kit.
  93. I donā€™t like gold-coloured jewellery.
  94. I like dirty martinis with extra olives.
  95. I drink my coffee strong and black with no sugar.
  96. I am excited about starting grad school in September.
  97. I am afraid that I am ruining myself financially by going to grad school.
  98. I am convinced that going to grad school will fix me emotionally and mentally.
  99. I am excited about my future for the first time since Paul died.
  100. I feel guilty for being happy about this new life, even though I know Paul would be happy for me.

Wow! That was hard! Are you still reading? You deserve an award for that!!

Edited to add: Since folks have been asking where/what their award is, I feel it’s fair (OK, not fair but cheap) for me to say the award is knowing me that little bit better. Sorry it’s so lame! (But thanks for reading!)

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13 Replies to “100 random things”

  1. This was so fun. Some stuff I felt like I already knew, but there were some new things in there. And I literally felt myself fuming at the dumbing yourself down comment, and the lady that said the thing about you not being a good mom. I’ve decided that a good portion of rude people are actually crazy, and not the good kind of crazy. Because I always wonder, “Who says that kind of stuff?”
    This was awesome!

    1. I’m so happy that you and your daughter gave me the inspiration!!
      As for the things people say, I quite often find myself stunned. It’s like there is a delay in the message from the brain and they say things out loud before they can stop themselves. The things people said to me after Paul died were the worst! I wrote them down as I went along thinking it would be good for a book or something. Sometimes I think about sharing the list here as a public service message of “What not to say to a grieving widow” but whilst I’ve developed a bit of a wall against it, I fear that some of the statements would be upsetting to others. But, one day I may post it anyhow… with a warning to sensitive readers!

  2. I didn’t know about no. 66. Or no. 24
    and I’m really pleased about no. 12
    Paul would so tell you off for no. 100
    (but also completely understand)

    1. Yay for #12!!
      Paul would tell you that #24 wasn’t a good thing. He thought I was a bad singer. (And I wasn’t a formal part of the show: PB pulled 8-10 ladies from the front two rows to sing Hit Me With Your Best Shot with her. I was one of those ladies. But still, I sang on stage with PB. Awesome!)
      #66 isn’t advertised and is only visible when I wear a swim suit (one that isn’t overly revealing).
      #100: Yes, he would. And knowing that helps keep the guilt to a minimum…

  3. Really awesome post! So much of your personality comes through here, not just through the information, but through the way your write – and you’re awesome! šŸ™‚ Good luck for Grad School – just go for it! It’s sometimes good to just step forth in faith – may not work out as WE plan it, but it will work out as HE plans it. He’s gone before you to prepare the way already! šŸ™‚

    1. Thank you!! Grad school in Scotland is really the best thing for me right now–despite the struggles it will entail. I know God will be there with me, and that Paul will be watching out for me from his perch in Heaven.
      Thankfully, the whole of the UK is full of family and friends who will look out for me, too!!

      1. Big changes and big moves are always the most difficult ones to make – it’s not like heading off to the shops to buy some bread. You’re taking a step of faith and you’ll be rewarded for it! Go get ’em! šŸ˜€

  4. I’m also dyslexic. I wonder if the same teacher(s)that called you stupid called me stupid as well. Good thing we proved them wrong! šŸ™‚

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