13295 + 48065 = Team Awesome

OK, I admit that I’m generally pretty rubbish at math[s], but I think I’ve done the calculations right this time!

You see, tomorrow morning is the 35th annual Bloomsday 12K in Spokane, Washington, and my nephew, Haden, and I will be running it together. My bib number is 13295; Haden’s is 48065. And together, we equal Team Awesome.

This is Haden’s first-ever 12K and it takes place just three days before his 12th birthday. He’s pretty excited about it, too!

We’ve had a big spaghetti dinner. We’ve hydrated with lots of water all day. We have our race gear set out and ready to go. We have yummy doughnuts and bananas for a fuelling breakfast tomorrow morning. Yes, we are ready to run!

Oh! And a bonus is that my sister, niece, foster daughter, neighbour, and neighbour’s friend are all participating in the race, too. They’ll be walking the course. And I believe it will be the furthest any of them have ever walked. They’re all pretty excited about it!

Tune in tomorrow to see how we did!

(Yes, Haden’s number is upside down. He knew this at the time of the photo. He says that he thinks people should learn how to read upside down, apparently.)

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4 Replies to “13295 + 48065 = Team Awesome”

  1. Yes, Bexy, upside-down reading is an art, and, though some persons are inclined to disagree, it is not too difficult. I did the Bloomsday today, and it was nearly as easy as reading upside-down.
    Frances’ calculations were not quite correct, though. She left out five figures from the equation – 2 friends, 1 sister, 1 niece, and 1 ‘The Kid’. ;D

  2. So, how did you both do?
    And, incidentally, I agree with the reading upside down challenge. It’s a much under-rated art!!

    1. Haden and I came in under goal time and are very, very pleased with ourselves. The rest of the group were all happy, too, because it’s the furthest any of them had ever walked!
      Still waiting on results, but I’ll be sure to post them as soon as they’re up!!
      And Haden is pleased that you like his upside down reading views!

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