The hat trick
When I put in my first PhD application, I was filled with self-doubt. But I was accepted.
When I applied for a second PhD opportunity, I worried that my experience wasn’t what they were looking for. But I was accepted.
When I applied to a third university, I feared my research interests might be uninteresting to the faculty. But, after interviewing with them today, I was accepted.
So that’s three PhD applications made and three PhD placement offers received.
Not bad for a stupid girl with dyslexia, huh?
(My ego is super-sized at the moment. I just feel so wanted!)
Of course, now comes the hard part. Now comes the part where I have to tell two unlucky universities that I’ve decided to go steady with a different institution. That’s going to be hard because all three are great places to study – but only one can have me!
I will let the unlucky universities know this week and will start working on paperwork for my future place of study shortly. Then, there will be visas to sort, jobs to leave, and studying to begin.
And as soon as everything is official, I will let you know which lucky Scottish higher education institution will have the privilege of adding my name to their list of “famous graduates”!
[Note: That’s a photo of my New Year’s bubbles. I’m just much too exhausted to celebrate with a glass of bubbles just now!]
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