Things found by accident

A while ago, I shared with you the found things I pick up when I’m out and about; every time I find something new to add to my collection, it brings a smile to my face. So when I saw that the Brooklyn Art Library‘s newest project was titled Things Found … By Accident, I knew it was right for me!

The appeal of the project was the challenge of finding something fun or interesting by accident. Unfortunately, the day before I signed up for the project I found the perfect subject for my photo: The fully intact skeletal remains of a rabbit on the pavement outside of my office. I thought it was interesting and wanted to share a photo with my friends on Facebook and Twitter (I know: Yuck.) but by the time I went back out to snap the photo, the grounds team had already cleared it away.

And that meant that I needed to keep looking for something else to “find by accident”. And we all know that you never find what you’re looking for when you’re actually looking. And, anyhow, if you’re looking for something, can you really say that you found it by accident?

Still, I continued to keep my eyes open in the hopes of finding something worthy of photographing.

And today, as I made my way from the subway to the University of Glasgow, something pretty caught my eye in a shop window. I wasn’t even thinking about the photography project. It was just there. Calling out to me. Begging me to stop and look.

So I stopped. And I looked. And I coveted. And the sign on the door said they were closed. So I took a photo and continued on my merry way.

And now that I’ve found this lovely thing – by accident – I’m dreaming of the day when I can afford to return and try it on. Although I’m sure it will be gone by then. But if it’s still there, maybe this found thing can find its way into my wardrobe.

(Want to know why I was in Glasgow in the first place? Read about my day of stepping towards the future here!)

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