Summer reunions in the Homeland
One of the great things about my American holidays this year has been the reunions. Each of my three weekends has brought another group together, which means that I have been able to catch up with a lot of people with ease.
The first weekend was a family reunion for my maternal grandfather’s side of the family. The “Eberle” reunion was planned to get all the cousins from my grandfather’s generation together, along with their offspring. My grandfather was the second youngest of the 14 Eberle children and all of his generation is gone now. But my mum’s generation made a great showing at the reunion along with all of the offspring and their offsprings’ offspring.
The family reunion was my first time seeing some cousins since the last reunion I attended in 2011. And the first time since seeing my cousin Rita since her visit to Edinburgh in 2012. And the first time seeing other family since my last visit to America in 2014. So there were lots and lots of hugs that were long overdue!
The next weekend was my best friend’s (Rachel) family reunion as well as my 25th high school reunion. My friend’s reunion was up at Lake Easton over the whole of the weekend. And as one of her sisters is another very good, very special friend (yes, Jennifer, you!!) and her other sisters (and various relations) are also friends, I was invited along for some of the fun. As Rachel’s son is my Godson and I haven’t seen her wee daughter since she was three months old, it was also a great opportunity to enjoy some kiddie time, too.
The school reunion was a bit of a mini-reunion, in part because the organisers were not very organised. (It happens.) There were not many of us there (10-12, maybe) and I didn’t really partake in much of the merriment as I opted to not camp with them (near where my friend’s family was camping) and I didn’t go to the Sunday breakfast. But I did go out to the pub for a bit which was nice. Only (and I know this sounds bad) once the people I consider friends (as opposed to classmates) were ready to head home, I couldn’t see the point in sticking around. (Yes, I know: I am a snob. But the people I left behind were likely not bothered by my absence.)
I am, however, excited about the idea of my 30th class reunion. And I will certainly take a bolder stance in the planning department to ensure that it is actually well attended – or at least better attended by my friends. Or maybe I’ll just plan a wee 26th reunion specifically for my peeps on my next visit!
The last weekend was my Godmother’s 50th high school reunion. My Godmother is my Mum’s best friend and she has always played an important role in my life. Although to be honest, I only really got to know her in my adult life. I suppose that is (in part) because the Internet meant that we could stay in touch despite the miles. Lynn is a very special person in my life though, and it was great to see her again. This is what I did on the last Saturday of my visit when we went out for lunch with my Mum before the three of us sat around my folks’ place visiting before she went to dinner with her classmates. (Mum was two years ahead of her in school, so wasn’t part of the reunion.)
In addition to the formal reunions that were happening each weekend, I was also able to reunite with various friends and family throughout the visit. Lunches, dinners, drinks, coffees… and lots of chatting and laughter.
My Homeland holidays are nearly over now though so my reunions are now turning to farewells. But I hope to be celebrating reunions again before too long!
[Photo is of the Eberle Family Reunion, 2017. Copyright to my father, Roy Cook.]
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