I wish I was an artist. You know – a really good one. I wish I could draw things with ease and make them look pretty. In my mind, I can see myself standing there with a paint palette creating these amazingly beautiful landscapes or amazingly accurate portraits. But in reality, I’m actually quite rubbish. Not only that, but it takes a lot of time to create that rubbish*!
But I enjoy using crayons and coloured pencils, so I tend to just kick back on the couch and draw swirly things. And even they aren’t all that great, as you can see below. Now mostly I like this, but the top centre(ish)-right-hand side has a really out-of-place looking swirl that I feel ruins the whole thing.
However, creating this little piece of art kept me entertained for two evenings, and now I’m sharing the results with you! Yay!
(Sorry, this is what happens when you have no cable, a load of coloured pencils and paper, and a state-of-the-art colour scanner. Expect more silliness in the future. Especially since I’m going to take an online class on The Art of Silliness2! Yay!)
* I know I draw “OK” things and am not looking to have my ego bolstered here. I’m not embarrassed or ashamed of my ability, it’s just that my imagination has a very different appearance than reality!
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I like it, but I think you’re right, the swirl on the centre right unbalances it a bit.
but i like the colour choice!
And pleased to see you’re going to do the Art of Silliness, I’m going to sign up this weekend I think. the 10 mins a day of silliness really appeals!
I almost started over after drawing that bit, since I’d only done the two blue swirls at the top-left by that point. But I’m glad I didn’t because I really love the lower-right corner of the piece.
I’m working on a stripes-n-polka-dots one now which is fun…
I’m really excited about the Art of Silliness and am so glad you sent me the link for it. Thank you!!
i look at the Emily Carr works in Vancouver Art Gallery and the Group of Seven stuff with total envy
i want to paint like that
PS: neat swirls, Frances 🙂
PPS: strongly leaning to Art of Silliness once I’ve played with new phone and got wee guy back to school (and survived long weekend)
Oh yes! Be silly with us! You know you want to!