My 2022/23 winter holiday recap

Now that my winter holidays to the Homeland are over (and my bags are unpacked and tidied away) it’s time for my traditional holiday recap. These seem to be a regular occurrence lately, especially when compared to my travel-less COVID years.

I travelled to The Homeland in early December to spend the holidays with Dad. It was the first Christmas without Mum – and after the extreme sadness of last year’s Christmas holidays, when she died. It was odd to not have her there, but I was glad to be able to spend time with Dad.

This was a “short” holiday, compared to my last two (each about 2 months long) but it was a good one. Of course, with the winter weather, there wasn’t much visiting with others. Instead, it was mostly just me and Dad shovelling snow. Lots, and lots of snow! But that is what I had planned for, so I am more than happy with my three and a half weeks in The Homeland.

Whilst I didn’t get to see and do as much as I would on a summer holiday, I did see some of my sisters, nieces, nephews, and an aunt. And I caught up with one of my best friends from school and her daughter over a long and laugh-filled lunch. I will make a point of catching up with even more family and friends when I am home this summer.

I really enjoyed this break because I was just “home”. Whilst I am given some level of “guest” treatment (mostly that my favourite meals are prepared for me) I just settled into life in The Homeland. It was a wonderful way to rest and relax – despite doing chores and running most days. But being home means I was comfortable and at ease. Just the way a holiday should be.

Below is a sort of photo recap of my holiday. The polar plunge photos are copyright to my Dad and youngest sister, Royann. The rest are mine.

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