Boxed in

When I moved to Scotland in August, I sent a couple of large boxes by sea – hoping they’d arrive before Thanksgiving. They didn’t. But they did arrive today. (Yay!)

I wanted them here before Thanksgiving because they had my aprons, my favourite cookbook, and my American measuring cups (yes, there is a difference). But I also wanted them to arrive in time for Thanksgiving so that I could share the photos with Paul’s friends who were joining me for the celebration. Of course, I know that I will have more opportunities to share the photos, so I’ll not fret over that too much!

So, what kind of goodies were so valuable to me that I went through the expense of international shipping? Oh, all sorts of things!

The main reason for the shipment was to bring Paul’s belongings over. All of his photos from childhood, college, university, and more. His diaries and mementoes. His favourite books and the little trinkets he collected over the years. The boxes are full of his life’s memories. Mostly from times before we met. Mostly things that I want to give to his family and friends.

Of course, part of me wants to keep all of it for myself. I don’t want to share them. But they’re not my memories – they’re Paul’s memories that he shared with the people he grew up with. I just want to keep them because they’re part of him. But I also know that other people need them more than I do. After all, I have all of the mementoes of our time together, so why shouldn’t others have the mementoes from their time together?

Happily, I had the foresight to put some of my stuff in the boxes, too. And I’m glad I did because now instead of just feeling the sadness of having Paul’s memories with me, I also have the excitement of having some of my things with me.

Yep, I have my favourite cookbook and my left-handed spoons. I have my bathrobe and winter ski coat and three of my favourite winter sweaters (all green, you may not be surprised to know!). I also have some of my favourite stationery for writing letters home and I have my Godfather DVD collection. And a CWU alumni sweatshirt and some hats and gloves and scarves. And a couple of books for my master’s programme and a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America. You know, because every home should have one!

I’m pleased to have some of my home comforts again. And even though it’s not the same as having the lovely home that I shared with Paul filled with all of our beautiful things, it’s nice to have a few more things from that ‘old’ life to help me settle into this new one.

8 Replies to “Boxed in”

  1. I miss cooking by weight 🙁
    Are recipes still edible if you mix up your cups? Do cakes still make cakes?

    1. They’re not too much different, but it can give a slightly different flavour or texture sometimes. I tend to use American measures for American recipes and UK measures for UK ones. It’s easier than converting everything!

  2. I met my husband when he was in law school and the first present I bought for him was a pocket sized constitution. He said everyone should have one LOL

    1. The one I had sent over is actually the one I gave Paul when he was living in Scotland. I figured he needed to read it if he was dating/marrying an American!

  3. Hope your flat is feeling a little more like a home now! It’s funny how the “personal things” make all the difference~
    **personal as in the things we sometimes have no idea why we hold onto but we do, as opposed to the things we own personally…

    1. It does help to have things around. But at the same time, it’s sad because it reminds me of all the rest that I don’t have! But, I think it’s mostly good. It will be better once I get everything cleared away though, because at the moment it looks like a bomb site!

    1. I carried them up all by myself! It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I took each one up two flights then took them up the last flight once I caught my breath a bit. It was easier than unpacking them in the communal hall way.

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