A Lenten poem
I’ve written about Lent and my beliefs in the past (2010; 2011) but try as I may, this year I couldn’t come up with the words. Not because of a lack of faith, but rather because I don’t know what more I can add to the discussion.
And so, I’ve found a poem to share instead, as a way of celebrating this very important day in my spiritual life. I hope that you all have a blessed Lenten season, full of love and peace, and the salvation of Christ.
A Poem about Lent
by Elena dal Friuli
Jesus prayed and fasted for forty days
In the desert a long time ago.
He showed endurance and restraint
With temptation as His foe.
The length of Lent is forty days
For us a time of preparation.
It starts on Wednesday we call Ash
And it ends with Easter’s celebration.
We follow Lent to follow Him
A time of sacrifice and prayer
We give up something we desire
That His example we might share.
By giving up some things in life
During this time of preparation
We show Him that we too are willing
To overcome our own temptation.
Oh, what joy that Lent will bring
At the end of the forty days
When Sunday’s bells will ring
With Resurrection’s praise.
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