A blue Monday

Mondays are generally very important to me. As the first day of the new work week, Monday has the ability to set the tone for the following days. No matter what stresses you dealt with the week prior, Monday brings a new week – a fresh start!

I woke up excited about the day ahead of me. I was excited to say goodbye to February – a month that has been rather difficult on me emotionally – and was excited to greet the new week.

The day was going OK. Sadly, only OK and not fabulous as I really wanted, but OK was pretty good after last week’s stresses (some self-induced, I admit).

Then it happened. One little conversation and I was deflated; the wind knocked out of my sails.

I tried to make like everything was OK and that I wasn’t offended and hurt, though I don’t know if the other person would have been bothered either way. The worst thing is that I couldn’t quite read their motives so I don’t know if they were trying to inflict pain or if they were, in fact, acting out of frustration with something going on in their world. (Maybe a bit of both?)

The rest of my day was spent pretending that I was still having a good day. And honestly, I tried to have a good day, but it was hard. I guess that the good side is that I didn’t have a terrible day; just a grumpy one.

Luckily for me, tomorrow is the first day of a new month, which means that tomorrow brings a fresh opportunity to have a fantastic month!

And March is bound to be a fantastic month because there are so many awesome things happening! (Even if I have to create awesome things for myself!)

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2 Replies to “A blue Monday”

  1. It’s difficult when you’re really trying to be positive and have good days instead of yucky ones – and then someone goes and pokes a hole in it 🙁 But well done on you for still moving forward! 🙂

    1. Thanks. I’ll tell you I wanted to let it ruin my day because I’m also stressed about a few other things that I’m trying not to throw a fit over but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I really needed a good day!!
      March is off to a maybe good start. At least it’s not a bad start…

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