A childish day at the museum

One of my favourite things in the world is acting silly and childish, so when a friend from Stirling invited me to join her and her children for a day out in Edinburgh, I couldn’t resist! After all, I know that I get to act silly and childish when I’m with my little friends!

And when I was given the opportunity for input on the day’s activities, I couldn’t help but suggest the Museum of Childhood on the Royal Mile. After all, it’s a museum that actively encourages its visitors to act silly and childish as they play with the interactive displays.

And so, yesterday was spent acting silly and childish in the Old Town, and it was so much fun. (Helped greatly by the fact that my little friends are always so excited to see me!)

I arrived a bit early so spent a little while on the Royal Mile visiting another friend as well as St Giles’ Cathedral before meeting up with my little friends. We then started with a quick trip to Edinburgh Castle (by way of a few owls) before heading down the Mile to the Museum of Childhood.

I’m not going to share all of the cathedral or castle photos right now, because I’ve realised that I need to go back to both (separately) on days when I can really explore them. But I’m sharing several from the museum in the hopes of sparking some wonderful memories from your childhood, as the displays did for me.

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4 Replies to “A childish day at the museum”

  1. Looks as if a good time was had by all! But I have a couple of questions. Did you spit on it? Was the owl/raptor show something special just for the day? and finally, where’s the key? The skates are there, but I can’t find the key!

    Did you go inside any of the buildings at the castle besides the chapel? BTW, I really do love that little chapel. I’m looking forward to more photos of the castle and St. Giles.

    1. If you mean the top, no; it was behind glass.

      The birds were part of a Falconry Scotland display near the top of the Royal Mile. I’ve seen them at various locations over the years, and I know that you can visit the centre, too. So maybe that’s something for your next trip …

      There wasn’t a key, but my friend and I did sing the song!

      We went into a couple of buildings, but didn’t really explore. The kids are a bit too young to tolerate staring at old stones for too long. We did watch a little interactive show about a siege at the castle though.

      As soon as the weather warms, I’ll get up to the castle for a full-on exploration and will share the photos with you then!


      1. Actually, I meant the heart! I read an article awhile ago that said people spit on the heart/circle…and the photo showed quite a lot of gum on it. And, truthfully, I can’t quite see you spitting on it. It’s not as if it’s a wall of gum or something like that!

        Glad to hear that you sang the song. Now I wonder if I still have a skate key somewhere in our boxes…

        1. Oops! I should have paid more attention. I thought you were asking about spinning the top. Probably because the last thing I’d ever imagine you thinking I might even think about doing was spitting. Ew, ick!

          No, I certainly did not spit. I told my 7-year-old friend about the tradition and even he thought it was disgusting. (Smart kid!)

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