A day in Peebles
I am so totally exhausted. But I’m so glad for the exhaustion because I’ve had a great day out with a friend.
As you may recall, I reached out to a friend a while back when I was really struggling with my stress levels, who took me out for a day’s walking to help me out. (It did help.) Anyhow, he suggested another walk with him and his dog, and I was very happy to take up the offer!
Today’s walk was in and near Peebles, along the River Tweed. The weather was quite brisk, but the skies were mostly blue and the company was completely enjoyable. The walk took us past Neidpath Castle and several other old houses and manor houses – as well as over and under a variety of lovely bridges.
I had purchased new hiking boots the day before, so when we got back to town I changed into an old pair of trainers before we wandered to the Old Town to see the ruins of Cross Kirk and some of the old workers’ dwellings.
Oh, and we stopped at the sweetie shop before heading home. Because we all know I like me sweeties!
Yes, it’s been a lovely day. I really am blessed to have such great friends. But now I’m really tired so I think it’s time for bed!

Enjoyed the nice walk through the ‘glen’ or ‘vale’ or whatever it’s called in Scotland. It always amazes me to see buildings built in the 1700’s still standing and being used. Here they tear things down after 25 years. So much for any history to speak of in America, thank goodness the East Coasters at least respect the older buildings that were built when our country was founded.
Anyway, I stray. The walk was lovely, the dog is wonderful, and what a great friend to spend the day meandering with you. Thanks for sharing….be sure to clean all that ‘mud’ off those shoes before you try to bring them back into the USA. (I’ll tell you my story about mine the next time I see you)
Yes, it would be a glen here in Scotland. And there was even a wee beck (creek) in the Old Town. It is nice the way these old buildings remain standing—and in use—here. People still live in the Neidpath Castle—despite part of it falling down.
Of course, they do tear down some old buildings (even ones from the 15th and 16th century) when needed. It depends on how the building is listed (in a historically-relevant sense).
As for my friend, I am very lucky. He went to university with my husband and reached out after Paul died. I don’t see him often at all, but I know that if I needed help or needed to get some fresh air, he’d be there. As for his dog, Holly is great! She’s 16 and rather slow these days, but she’s quite the trouper and loves to walk!
Can’t wait to hear your muddy boots story!