An illegitimate, homeless transient
I was born as a homeless transient, living in hotel rooms on the road for the first couple of weeks of my life. Added to that early start, in the 1980s it was discovered that I was actually an illegitimately-born child. In fact, most of my sisters were illegitimate, as well.
That is a completely factual statement, however, misleading it may be.
My father’s new post in the United States Marine Corps saw the family leaving California for Texas. Between the time that the family’s home in California was vacated and I was born, my parents and my two older siblings (for obvious reasons, not my younger siblings) took up residence in a long-stay hotel. Shortly after my birth at Camp Pendleton,* we vacated the California hotel and hit the road for Texas.
That answers the homeless transient part of the statement. Now on to my illegitimate birth.
My parents were married at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Cle Elum, Washington, in June 1969 (the same church I was married in nearly 36 years later). Their wedding was performed by Mom’s cousin, a Catholic priest. Their first-born daughter entered the world about 15 months later. About every two years, another daughter was born. But here’s the catch: Mom’s cousin didn’t actually file the paperwork with the county until sometime in the late 1970s after their fifth daughter was born.** Meaning that, technically, they weren’t married.
And there you have it. From an illegitimate, homeless transient to a successful, university-educated world-traveller. Who knew!?
(Did I mention that I work in the public relations industry? Yep, it’s all about the spin, babe!)
* It should be noted that shortly after my birth the hospital was demolished. I like to think that it’s because they realised that never again would the building see the birth of such an amazing individual. And being as the building would never be able to top such an event, they decided to build a new hospital. It was the right choice.
** The timing may be a little off so whilst it is known that their sixth (and final) daughter was legitimately born, there is still a question as to if their penultimate daughter was born before or after their marriage certificate was filed.
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And how many people can claim a Camero as one of their first “homes”?!
Yes, my first “home” was a nicer ride than my first car, that’s for sure! (But my first car was way awesome, I think
most peopleno one would agree!)you have a gift frances!