An inspirational lunch

I remember visiting a friend not too long ago and being shocked to learn that he rarely took advantage of the great cultural and historical sites around him. I challenged him to use his lunch hour to see some of the places from time to time. I remember thinking how lucky he was to have such entertainment at his disposal, but how sad it was that he didn’t take advantage of it. (My guess is he still hasn’t.) But it dawned on me today that I have an amazing amount of cultural entertainment all around me that I never utilise.

I work in the centre of a large university campus. All around me there are museums displaying art. There are concerts and lectures. There are exhibits for everything and anything everywhere! So when the university’s electronic newsletter for faculty and staff showed up in my email this morning, my eyes were drawn to a story about an art exhibit that opened today.

And because I am meant to be reclaiming my lunch hours, and because the museum is less than two minutes from my office (in fact, I park in the garage under the museum!), and because I’ve been feeling very arty these past few weeks, I decided to go at lunchtime.

The exhibit at the WSU Museum of Art is called “Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art” and is part of a collection belonging to Margaret Levi and Robert Kaplan. To be honest, I don’t know that I realised there was such a thing as contemporary aboriginal art, but then, I don’t really know anything about art. (But I know what I like!)

When I walked in, I couldn’t help but start smiling. I think it was because the art is so similar to what I like to draw: squiggles, swirls, lines, and dots. Only where my “art” is just mindless nothings, I can see the thought that went into this – and the use of traditional symbols in many of the pieces helped to tell a story. (Thank you to the museum for providing legends to the symbols throughout the exhibit!)

Anyhow, I am inspired! I am inspired to continue my quest to reclaim my lunchtime. I am inspired by the art and am excited to create some new drawings of my own. And I am inspired by seeing the paint on linens and canvas – so much so that I am now inspired to see if there is a painting course that I can take so that I can pretend to be an artist a bit more.

Yes, I think I should do that. Wouldn’t it be fun to learn how to paint?

Anyhow, I hope you’re inspired, too. I hope you’re inspired to take time for yourself; inspired to see an art exhibit; inspired to create your own art, or just inspired for the sake of inspiration.

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2 Replies to “An inspirational lunch”

  1. I successfully reclaimed my lunchtime into a whole afternoon of fun and company today, with wine to help it all slide by in a warm kind of way. Highly recommended for a Friday.
    Lovely though it was, I suspect it was cheating as far as reclaiming my lunch hour is concerned since I was on a day off. But I had fun all the same.
    Glad to see you’re sticking to your challenge. What a fab way to spend your lunch hour too. I should do the same with our local museum every now and again.

  2. Hey, take a few days off and I’ll teach you how to paint–the living room. 🙂 Seriously, I’m glad you’re enjoying your lunch hours.

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