An open castle

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not (generally) an entertainer. I don’t host parties or gatherings and rarely invite people into my home. It’s not that I am actively anti-social, it’s just that I don’t go in for the big gatherings. And for that matter, I don’t really do small gatherings. But I have decided to change that.

As you know, I am a homeowner again. I am also a solo human, which means that there’s no one here to help me “break in” the house; no one to fully celebrate the space and the opportunities it presents. And that means I’ve had to bring in outsiders! (So-to-speak.)

I got the keys to Castle Ryan on a Thursday and a good friend and her daughter showed up the next day as I waited for delivery of a mattress. Then the next night (my first night in the house), I had neighbours around for a glass of wine. The only furniture I had was a couch, so a couple of us sat on the floor and we used boxes as a table for snacks. Then on the Monday, another friend came by – delivering some household bits for the castle and taking me to IKEA for more bits and bobs.

The following week, another friend helped me with the full move into Castle Ryan (with the help of his friend and a van). And from there, I had a series of friends popping by for coffee, lunch, and dinner. Most of whom also dropped off more stuff to make my castle a home.

Throughout April and May, I worked to unpack my boxes and to collect more furniture and household items – mostly things that will “make do” until I bring my treasures over from America and buy good quality furniture designed to last.

I wasn’t sure if I would host an open house event for Castle Ryan, but a couple of people asked if I planned to do so I decided to go for it. Worried, of course, that I would invite loads of people, and no one would show. (I have trauma issues, clearly!)

That wasn’t the case though. Indeed, I had about 20 people come to Castle Ryan yesterday. Most of them for the first time and a couple who’d seen the place in various stages of “ready”. (There is still work to do, but it’s ready enough.) Some people couldn’t make yesterday’s event and either have already or will soon come over for lunch or dinner and a private showing.

And later this month, my first overnight guests will begin to arrive – including a dear friend from high school and her grown daughter. (How is it possible that my high school friends have adult children – and even grandchildren?!?) That means that the guest room will get the warming it deserves and also answers the question about whether I really needed a guest room.

Now that Castle Ryan has been christened, I feel quite pleased with myself – for finally getting back on the property ladder, and for taking the brave step of opening my home to share with others. I don’t have plans for another “big” gathering (I know this wasn’t big compared to what others do regularly), but I am thinking about hosting a Thanksgiving dinner and even thinking about next summer when the back garden might be ready for a little BBQ with friends.

Yes, I love having a home of my own once again! (And guests are always welcome, so please come and visit!)

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