And the survey says

I am excited to report that I earned £40 an hour today! Of course, I only did 15 minutes worth of work. But still, that makes me £10 richer. Yay!

How did I do it? Well, I agreed to participate in a survey. You see, when I’m not in a hurry (and it’s not raining) I am happy to help market researchers in their quest to create better products. I figure that it may help me get the things I really want to buy in shops, but I also know that you get paid for them more often than not! (That is also why I always open my junk mail!)

Of course, I can’t tell you much more than what I’ve already said because I signed a confidentiality waiver. But I can tell you that I gave my opinion on a brand of products from a type of product that I use. I can tell you that it took about 15 minutes. And I can also tell you that it wasn’t an unpleasant experience. In fact, I really enjoy seeing how researchers frame their questions and layout their surveys. (Yeah I know, I’m a geek!)

So next time you’ve got some time to spare, stop and answer a few questions. After all, it might make a difference to the products you use (or would use “if only they would”…). And when you’re done, you can use the money for a nice cup of coffee and a cake! Or splash out and buy a really nice bottle of red nail polish!

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3 Replies to “And the survey says”

  1. Royann and I used to do surveys out at the Tacoma Mall. Sometimes we got product and sometimes we were paid a small amount of actual money. Mostly, it was fun.

  2. When I wasn’t a working mom I belonged to couple of online survey groups for “points” kind of thing but one of them would pay you your points in cash if you desired! It was mostly for fun & like you I would like someone to listen to my ideas on some products some day!

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