Anger management
I re-entered the world of bad golfing last summer thinking that it would be a good way to vent frustration and anger stemmed from the grief of losing Paul. What I found instead was that it was a good distraction from the grief, rather than an outlet for it. Still, it was worth the time and money spent on tracking down a set of ladies left-handed clubs; a difficult task when looking at the low-end of the cost spectrum!
Well, today I finally got to use my clubs for anger management. Or rather, anger ventilation.
Now that the snow has left the Palouse, my clubs have found their way out of my dining room and into the trunk of my car. I leave them there with the excuse that if they’re with me, I’ll actually go to the driving range at lunch or after work.
Today, I had cause to be a bit angry, frustrated, and upset. And being a (mostly) polite person, I didn’t let those emotions show. But the moment I got to my car I realised that I could swing away the emotions instead of dwelling on them for my 25-mile drive home.
And it worked!
I hit a small bucket of balls after work and before I was halfway through my mood improved enough so that I actually enjoyed hitting the second half. It made my drive home more enjoyable and it’s made for a calm and relaxing evening.
I should make these anger management sessions a regular event!
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