Boxed cat
OK folks, it’s pitch time! So sit back, relax, and get ready to hear all about my new freelance venture and how you can help!
Regular readers will recall that I’ve recently left my job in America, moved to Scotland, and will be attending university for a postgraduate degree (starting next week!). But what you may not know is that I am also attempting to fund my crazy adventure by doing some freelance communications work. And that’s where Boxed Cat Media comes in.
Note: Links now removed as I’ve “given up” freelance work now that I have started my PhD studies.
Boxed Cat Media is a freelance communications business offering services including writing and editing; social media support and consultation, including website and blog setup; layout and design for print and web; and brand and identity support. I hope to work with small mom-and-pop shops, community organisations, and non-profits. Additionally, I will work with individuals on small projects such as holiday cards, birth or adoption announcements, blog setup/design, and more.
Now for the pitch: For this venture to work, I need people to pay me money to do work for them. And that’s where you come in! Yes, I need you to help spread the word. Not in a pushy, call all your friends way, because that would be silly. Instead, I just hope that you’ll think of me when you or someone you know needs some design or communications work done.
And now on to the thank yous:
First, to all of my friends who helped brainstorm a great name! Especially Mark G., who suggested “Schrodie Media Group” which made me smile, but I feared the cat’s name might make a URL difficult. However, that got me to the track that led to Boxed Cat Media, as Schrodie was named after the man behind the cat-in-a-box theory in the first place.
Next, to the folks who gave feedback on the logo: Thank you, Mum, Dad, Rebecca, Amy, Celeste, Ellen, Patricia, Paula, and Martin. Extra thanks to Dad and Martin who gave additional feedback on tweaks in fairly quick order.
Then to the folks who reviewed the site for me: Thanks, Nick, Royann, and Dad! And another thanks to Dad for his input on my business cards.
Have I missed anyone? I hope not! But if I have, please know I’m grateful to you, too!!
So there you have it. Boxed Cat Media is now up and running and ready for work. So please feel free to help make that happen!
(And I promise to start blogging more regularly as I get settled in a bit more. Really!)
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