Bug removal
I removed a large grasshopper from the house today using Paul’s special bug-removal jar. The old peanut butter jar took on the duty of bug receptacle the summer we got married. It moved with us from Seattle to our apartment on the Palouse, then later it moved with us into our new house.
Paul loved his peanut butter jar bug catcher so much that I let him be the official bug (and spider) remover. We were not of the “kill it” mindset and instead released critters into the wild – or at least into the garden out front.
Now, it’s not that I’m queasy and squeamish when it comes to bugs. For goodness’ sake – I was a Tomboy through-and-through growing up. I even had a “bug circus” with Larry from across the way when I was a kid. It was just that Paul enjoyed the chase. He was the man of the house and, therefore, the hunter.
Since Paul died, I suppose I’ve just not noticed – or just ignored – crawly things in the house. Don’t get me wrong, the house isn’t full of bugs. It’s just the odd spider or cricket that sneaks through the door. Of course, I must admit that I’ve allowed Schrodie to play with them on occasion – an act that may well have horrified Paul! But I chalked it up to animals being animals, and it was therefore acceptable.
Anyhow… For the first time since Paul died – no, for the first time ever – I’ve found myself using the peanut butter jar bug catcher. It seems that the kid wasn’t too keen on a large grasshopper taking up residence in her room and the cat wasn’t feeling snacky. So out came the jar.
I’m not sad by this, but I can’t help but imagine the practised skill Paul would have used if he was here. I never thought I’d say it, but I wish I had a big strong boy to take bugs out of the house for me. (OK, not just any boy, but Paul.)
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Well done, Frances – all round!
side note: we had lunch with some one-legged grasshoppers on sunday. (note ‘with’ not ‘of’)
proper comment starts here —> well done. you rescued the kid, stopped the cat making an inappropriate snack moment, and raised a peanut butter jar to Paul. life is full of bittersweet moments.