Browse by topic

Whilst Just Frances is really all about me, Frances Ryan, some topics are of interest to others – even those who are not interested in me as an individual.

Below is a list of broad topics I talk about, with short descriptions. Click on the links to view posts on the topics. In addition to these broad categories, individual posts are “tagged” with focused keywords. A full list of these keywords can be found on the main page with post-specific keywords highlighted at the end of each entry.

Everyday Life

As you might expect from a blog about my mundane, everyday life, this is the most used category on Just Frances. These are posts about nothing and everything and are often used as a digital diary of sorts.

Academic Life

Ah, yes. Frances the academic! The most recent posts under this banner relate to my working life as an academic. Older posts chronicle my journey towards completing my PhD. These posts are largely about the personal aspects of my academic life. For the really academic-y stuff, visit my other blog at

Widow Life

Sadly, this topic is about just that: The impacts of widowhood on my life. Whilst the keyword “widowhood” is attributed to posts across a range of topics, posts under this category are specific to the mourning and grieving processes, the ongoing impacts that widowhood has on my life, and the art of “moving forward”. (Don’t worry: The posts are not all tragic and sad. I have found an odd form of happiness over the years.)

Chronic Illness

There are two chronic illnesses I write about: Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). Posts under this banner will be specific to these conditions or to living with chronic illness in general. Where PKD and ITP are mentioned as an aside in another post, I will tag those posts as such, but they might not also be categorised under Chronic Illness.

Crafting & Creating

These posts are about my crafting and art projects, many of which involve “upcycling” or the reuse and repurposing of old things to make something new. Some posts will include how-to instructions, but most of my creations are inspired by others (links and acknowledgements will be shared when relevant).

Culinary Arts

I grew up in a cooking home (my family name is even Cook) and the joy of cooking stayed with me into adulthood. Posts under this category include recipes from my childhood, family cookbooks, and new favourites. I will also share musings about my culinary heritage or other thoughts about food and its impact on my life.

Fitness & Exercise

I am not a fitness and exercise guru, but I do like to post about my running, walking, and hiking activities. On occasion, I might even write about other forms of fitness and exercise. But not often!

Health & Wellness

For me, health and wellness are intertwined and include physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. This category includes posts about acute illness or injury, my quest for a positive mindset, ramblings on my diet or my emotional health, and other such things related to creating a healthier “whole” self.

Musings & Ramblings

Posts under this category tend to be reflective and at times a form of my own “talk therapy” as the act of writing down my thoughts and feelings can sometimes help me to work through them. I try not to be political or controversial in what I write, so you won’t find many of my “world views” shared here.

Travels, Adventures, & Explorations

A mix of local, regional, and international travel and adventures. Posts in this category include overnight travel and day trips, and a variety of adventures that involve exploring interesting places.