Caching up on the Old Highway
Before my trip to the Homeland, I checked out the local geocaches to see what new adventures I could enjoy. That’s when I found that there was a trail of 24 caches along the Old Highway that links Upper and Lower Counties. But as my holiday has progressed, I began to wonder if I would have time to enjoy the trail.
Then, my good friend Suzie came to town for a visit. She travelled up from Tri-Cities with her daughter and grandchildren for a visit and planned to stay the night in Lower County to make the drive home a bit shorter.
After a visit to the Gazebo in Roslyn Park, we realised that Suzie’s daughter could head back to Lower County to give the children a break whilst Suzie and I took our time on the Old Highway grabbing the caches. As Suzie is already an active geocacher, this plan was quite enticing to both of us!
We started a little after 2 pm and slowly made our way along Highway 10. The first cache was a gallon-sized bucket filled with lots of spare small cache tubes. The spare tubes were so that cachers could replace any missing ones along the trail. So to start, I grabbed a green tube, just in case. The rest of the caches were simple tubes hidden (mostly) in the guardrails along the “old road”.
The caches themselves were not challenging or interesting. But they did allow me to grab a lot of caches in a short time. And more importantly, the trail gave me lots of time to “cache” up with Suzie. After all, the trip is normally about 30 minutes but with all the stops along the way, we had more than two hours to chit-chat!
The visit left my heart feeling happy and reminded me that I have the best of friends all around the world! I will look forward to my next visit with Suzie. In the meantime, we’ve always got Facebook!
Oh! And in the end, we didn’t need that spare tube. So I will have to take it back to the start of the route in the next day or two before I leave the Homeland to return to the Heartland. And maybe, if there’s time, I can grab a few more caches along the way…

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