Castles in the glen

I’ve had yet another lovely day wandering around the Roslin area near my home and am feeling energised with the switch from rainy winter weather to the crisp subtlety of spring.

The walk was a gentle(ish) ramble of 3.7 miles that took about two hours. Some of the track was muddy and icky, but it was relatively dry and easy to navigate. (Although it might be difficult for some young children and anyone who isn’t quite stable on their feet.)

The walk also passed by two castles (Roslin and Hawthornden) as well as Wallace’s Cave and a couple of other interesting sites. It also included lots of ups-and-downs, switch-backs, and Jacob’s ladders, before ending near the site of the Battle of Roslin.

Oh! And I got to play along the river shore, too, which was cool! (I even brought home old glass and pottery found along the way.)

But I’ll stop with the words now because I know you really just want to see the photos – and because I have to get ready to go to a friend’s place for dinner. Such a busy social life I have all of the sudden!

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8 Replies to “Castles in the glen”

  1. So, is Hawthornden still lived in? It rather looks as if it might be. What about Roslin Castle? Are you able to poke around in corners there?

    Your photos are wonderful, as always, and I wish I had been there.

    1. I think that both castles have liveable spaces but are rented out as opposed to having permanent residents. Hawthornden is a writers’ retreat now or something like that (?). As for Roslin, it sounds like the gate over the bridge is generally closed, but might have been open when we were there because they were doing work. However you would always be able to poke around underneath. I’ll find out for sure about visits though as you’d be able to make it to the (upper portions of) Roslin Castle if it is open.

      1. I think I had read somewhere that rooms could be rented in Roslin. And I seem to remember looking at a virtual tour of the spaces available. It sounded interesting. And a writers’ retreat sounds quite nice. Lucky writers!

          1. I would love to stay at a nice castle or country manor one day. I would also be just as happy to return to that nice little place in Jedburgh. It would make a nice base to visit a couple of the abbeys in the area.

            I’m looking forward to the series of flowers with old buildings in the background. Did you ever manage to get any photos of the crocus in Princes Street Gardens?

            1. Oh, we can do the Border Abbeys in one or two days – depending on how your walking and balance skills are by your next visit. We’ll certainly find a nice place to stay, too!

              I didn’t manage the crocus this year but I am going to work really, really hard at getting out to snap the daffodils when they start to bloom. And the tulips, of course!

  2. The vinca and snowdrops are sure signs of spring! How fortunate you are to have such a lovely historic area to explore.
    BTW-you look great!!!

    1. I wasn’t sure what the little purple flower was so thanks for that! We’ve had snowdrops out for a while now and the crocus are now giving way for fields of daffodils. Maybe I ought to try for a whole series of flowers with old buildings as background. Watch this space to see if it happens!!

      (And thank you – it’s easy to look great when I look like my Ant!)

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