I ran today. And I will run tomorrow. And the next day. And, if all goes well, I will be running every day in December.…
I took part in a fun, blood-themed scavenger hunt yesterday. The event, Bloodscape, was designed to explore changing blood trends as part of the 2018 Being Human…
This morning started a bit earlier than normal, as it was an adventure day with my Daddy and my Goddaughter, Virginia. The adventure? Climbing Manastash…
At the start of the year, I set myself a gentle running goal: A simple sub-30 5K. I chose the goal because I knew it…
I spent today adventuring around Cramond and Cramond Island. I have wanted to explore the village and the island for some time now, but have never managed to…
I took the weekend off from my PhD studies to re-focus my brain with some healthy fresh air. On Saturday, I did that by exploring St Anthony’s Chapel and climbing…
Today was another climb up Arthur’s Seat, as part of my goal to climb the hill at least once a month for the whole of 2018.…
I’m in my Homeland for three weeks and that means I’m ready for some playtime! This is my first visit home since my Daddy’s 70th birthday party and…
I’m in Glasgow for a much-needed writing retreat (and a bit of cat-sitting). And one of the things that help to keep me going on…
Life has been pretty thesis-centric these days and it’s been causing me a great amount of stress. Part of that stress is because I have felt a…
There seems to be a bit of interest in my ongoing ankle recovery, specifically around running. So, I thought I’d give a wee update for those who’ve…
Oops, I’ve done it again. After declaring that I would not be running any half (or full) marathons this year, to ease back into post-broken ankle running, I have officially…
Thanks to this summer’s broken ankle, I had to make some changes to my 2016 resolutions. Today, those revamped running resolutions were realised! (Yay!) However, it was…
I started 2016 with the high hopes of meeting (and exceeding!) one simple running goal: To run a sub-2:00:00 half marathon. I knew it would be a…
(Nearly) sixteen weeks ago, I broke my ankle. And that means I haven’t broken any running goals in nearly four months. In fact, I haven’t been…
It has now been 12 weeks since I broke my ankle, and I’m pleased to say that I am well on the road to recovery. Sadly,…
Twelve weeks ago, I broke my ankle whilst walking home from the shops. Twelve long, long weeks ago! And twelve is the magic number because that’s…
I spent today doing vital ankle rehabilitation work, in the form of walking to and from Castle Campbell in the hills above Dollar. It was a much-needed outing…
I’ve been staying at Serenity Lodge since last week where I am house- and pet-sitting for a while. I am using the time to catch up…
Wow! I cannot believe that it has been ten weeks since I broke my ankle. It seems like only yesterday, but at the same time, it…