Cheap eats
I like setting budgets for myself because it keeps me accountable to, well, me. And, because I used to have to budget every penny or risk bounced checks, I’m pretty good at it. Better, because I like to come in under budget, it makes me spend less!
For the last year, I’ve had a loose budget of £200 (approximately $310 US) per month to spend on groceries. Sometimes I’d go over that, but most times I would be under. But I’ve never been consistent with it. So, I’m going to start holding myself accountable, which means you get to read about my grocery budget from time to time!
Budget: £200 per month
In addition to food-based groceries, the following items will be included in the total:
- Loo roll and cleaning products – but not personal care products
- Wine, beer, and spirits
- Lunches bought at work
- Take-aways or delivery meals
- Delivery or taxi charges to get the groceries home
Dinner or drinks out with friends do not count as they are in the entertainment budget and any money left over from one month cannot be rolled into the next month. Instead, the remaining money will be split between savings and my entertainment budget.
The idea is that a strict budget will force me to eat healthier, and wiser. I will be forced to think about my meals and plan them out a bit. I will be encouraged to take lunches to the office (often made from yummy leftovers) and I will make things that I like but that I’m generally too lazy to make.
Oh! And it means that I will get to talk about my homemade this-and-that a bit more. Maybe I’ll even get to share some more recipes with you. Or “how-to” YouTube videos! Yes, that will be fun!
And since you’re here, I can share with you that, so far, I’ve £68 for August. This is scary since it’s only the first week, but that included lots of staple items – including a bottle of vodka for my RyanCentric Martinis. Well, that is if you can call vodka a staple.
Stay tuned to find out if I’ve managed to stay within my budget for the month! (If you care.)
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