Coming soon…
Regular Just Frances readers might know that the “real” site has been down since mid-October, with my last post happening on October 5. When the decision was made to take the site down for much-needed upgrades, I think everyone involved (i.e.: me and my awesome Web Guru) thought it would be a short-lived disruption.
But, as happens, life got in the way and it’s taken a bit longer than expected.
However, the time has been good for me because it’s allowed me to focus in a bit on why I write; on who I’m really writing for. It’s also given me a bit of time to think about how I want to manage Just Frances moving forward. (As my Web Guru said: It will be about the content. And it will be spectacular.)
Anyhow, this is just a wee post to let you know that the design is done. And it’s lovely. And simple.
And, most importantly: It’s coming soon!
So thanks for bearing with me… I hope to have the new site up soon and hope that you like it!
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