Dear Self Confidence

It’s been nearly eight months since I last wrote a poem (horrible or otherwise) for you. Well, for me, actually. So, tonight I decided to whip one up.

As always, it’s a bit rubbish but I enjoy writing them so here it is!

Dear Self Confidence
By Just Frances

Dear Self Confidence:
I would like to tell you
how much I’ve missed you.

You tell me
you’re standing next to me
but I can’t always see you.

You tell me
you’re in my heart and soul
but I can’t always feel you.

You tell me
you’re in my thoughts
but I can’t always notice you.

I would like to tell you
that I need you to be stronger.

I would like to tell you
that I need you to work harder.

I would like to tell you
that I need you to barge in and take over.

So during our next encounter don’t be shy.
Come out and shout and scream.
Come out and jump up and down.

I will embrace you.
You will embrace me.
It will be a special moment.

I need you.
I’m ready for you.
Let’s do lunch.

Much love to you,
Just Frances

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6 Replies to “Dear Self Confidence”

  1. My daughter got your postcard. What a blessing! She beamed and beamed and was so excited. She showed everyone where you wrote “future world traveler.” Thanks for helping my daughter with her self confidence. You may think yours is lacking, but moving across the world and starting a new life takes an amazing amount of self confidence. You are an inspiration to us all. Thank you!

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