Dissertation month update; Part 5
Wow. I guess that’s Dissertation Month pretty much over. I mean, I know it’s not been a full calendar month, but the month’s main project – completing my full draft to turn in for my supervisor’s review – has been completed. So now I just have to sit back and wait for my supervisor’s comments and suggestions so that I can make the necessary edits for the final document.
So, what happens next? Well, I have a few days before I get feedback, so nothing for a wee while. But after that, I suppose it will be back to dissertation work. But the next round should be easier than this last month because I now have a full document that I will be working with.
Anyhow, the final document is due on 21 August. And that means that you can probably expect a couple more posts about the progress of final edits – and maybe even the last-minute madness of getting it all printed and bound. Then after 21 August, you’ll get to hear about my final course grade and then probably a bit about graduation and stuff like that.
So if you were thinking that the end of Dissertation Month meant that you wouldn’t have to hear about my dissertation again, you were wrong. (Sorry.)
But, if I’m lucky and things go according to plan, you might even get to hear news about jobs and positive future stuff! Heck, if you’re lucky (if I’m lucky!) you won’t even have to wait until the dissertation is done and dusted for those happy stories. (But let’s not crack the bubbles just yet!)
So here are the stats: Current word count: 11,110 (Not including references, appendices, and other bits-and-bobs)
Tasklist for the next few days:
- Relax.
- Relax.
- Relax.
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