Do you want to help?
Hello, Just Frances readers! I’ve been thinking about updating the “look and feel” of Just Frances for a few months now, and now that I’m done with my dissertation I figured it was a good time to make it happen.
But, as I’ve often said, I want my readers to be happy little campers, so I’m asking for input from a few of you.
The task is simple: Look at a couple of mock-ups and tell me what you think. You will be asked a couple of direct questions (Do you like x?) and will also be given a chance to tell me what you don’t like. (Or even what you’d like to see.)
You do not need to know me “in real life”. You do not need to be a Facebook friend or Twitter follower. You do not need to be someone who comments on my posts. You just need to be someone who visits Just Frances regularly. Because let’s face it, it’s those regular visitors who will be impacted by the changes the most!
To volunteer, please get in touch with the contact form. Then, in a week or two when I have the test site all ready, I’ll send you an email with the link and you can let me know what you think.
So… here’s your chance to affect Just Frances!
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