Exhilarating sadness
I was so excited when I saw the Saw Doctors were on tour in Scotland. Well, Anto and Leo, at least. I was even more excited when I found a couple of friends who wanted to go with me last night.
But what started as excitement soon led to sadness.
You see, it was my late husband who introduced me to the Saw Doctors. We danced to “I Know I’ve Got Your Love” at our wedding. We saw them in concert together several times – once on our first wedding anniversary. We listened to them in the car and when we snuggled up on the couch. I even used the words from “Still the Only One” for the order of service cards at his funeral.
As the day of the concert progressed, all of my Saw Doctors memories (which mean Paul memories) came flooding back to me. It was only then that I actually stopped to realise that this would be my first time seeing them in concert without Paul.
And that made me sad. So very, very sad.
But, as I’ve said before, I have to go through these “first time without Paul” moments or I’ll stand frozen in time.
Thankfully, the friends I went to the concert with were understanding and would have been OK if I got a bit melancholy. But, even more, thankfully, I managed through the concert with nothing but a smile.
Yes, in the end, the sadness was overshadowed by the exhilaration of being there listening to one of my favourite bands.
As for the concert, it was fantastic! The boys were an absolute hoot, playing a couple of great sets in between joking around a bit. We laughed, we sang, and we laughed some more. I can’t wait to see the boys again.
Oh! And I got my picture taken with Leo. I admit it’s not the best photo of me (maybe I should have had the flash set?) but it’s still a lovely reminder of a lovely evening with a couple of lovely friends.
(1) Photo Copyright goes to the lovely Eleanor Derbyshire
(2) The title for this post is (shock of shocks) a Saw Doctors song
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