Flying Old Glory

With pride and passion, I hung my American flag in front of my home today. With pride and passion, I am remembering our fallen soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines today.

I am proud to be an American – today and every day. When the Colour Guard passes by I stand tall and proud; a tear in my eye. When the National Anthem plays I stand tall and proud; my hand on my chest and a tear in my eye. I am proud of what America stands for and what her Founding Fathers had in mind when framing the Constitution. No matter where in the world I may find myself living, I will always be proud to have been born in the United States of America. For it is the land of the free because of the brave.

As you’re enjoying Memorial Day with your family and friends, stop to think of the brave men and women who’ve made the ultimate sacrifices to ensure the freedoms we, as Americans, hold so dear. And if you have the chance, thank one of the brave men and women who are serving today, or who served in the past.

So, Mom, Dad, Miranda: Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Semper Fi!

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