For love of country
This weekend, families around America will gather for barbecues and picnics. Campgrounds and parks will be filled. Parties will be held; laughter will be had. Yes, Memorial Day Weekend has become synonymous with the start of the summer season!
But let’s take some time to remember why we won’t be at the office on Monday. Let’s remember why the schools and banks and post offices will be closed. Let’s remember why the flags will fly at half-mast and why cemeteries will be blanketed with mums.
It’s not because of the barbecues or the picnics or the camping and hiking and dancing and laughing.
It’s because of all of the men and women who fought and died to keep our nation safe and free. It’s because of the men and women who fought and died to ensure our rights – and the rights of all of those residing in the great United States of America.
They fought and died so that we could safely and freely barbecue and picnic and camp and hike and dance and laugh. So please, enjoy the weekend. Please enjoy your family. Please enjoy your freedoms.
And please, take a moment to remember all of those brave men and women who made those freedoms possible.
For love of country they accepted death, and thus resolved all doubts, and made immortal their patriotism and their virtue.
~ James Abram Garfield
[Photo is a close-up of the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial in Olympia, Washington. Photo credits to the amazing Missy Humphreys. Missy’s husband, an Englishman by birth and an American by choice, is currently serving in the United States Army. Thank you, Missy, for the photo. And thank you, Neil, for serving and protecting our great nation!]
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