For the grade
I now have less than two weeks to complete my first assignment as a postgraduate student. It’s a bit strange doing schoolwork again, but I am really enjoying it.
My first assignment is a book review for my cultural theory class and is due by noon next Friday (21 Oct). The book, Matt Hill’s How to do Things with Cultural Theory, is not one that I would ordinarily choose to read which makes it difficult, but it’s not the worst book I’ve ever read. I think the hardest part right now is that, unlike when reading for pleasure, I can’t just give up on it and toss it aside.
Of course, the awesome thing about a book review is that it’s not too difficult to write. Basically, it will include an outline of the subject and a summary of how the book is organised followed by my comments on the content including any thoughts on the usefulness (or lack of usefulness) the book has.
So, in between now and next Friday, I need to read 181 pages (including the introduction and conclusion, but not the unfeasibly long bibliography) then write a 1,000 word (+/- 10%) review. And it needs to be double spaced using APA referencing. And it needs to be submitted in both hard-copy and electronic forms.
And I get to do it all for a grade. I think that’s the part I’m worried about. I mean, can my ego take the hit if I get a less-than-awesome grade? Can my emotions handle it if I find out that I’m not as clever as I think I am? It’s a lot of pressure you know, especially for someone who spent the first many years of her life thinking she was stupid.
The hardest part, as regular readers will know, is going to be keeping within the word limit. After all, I tend to go on and on and on and on and …
And I promise not to bore you with details and musings about all of my assignments. (Some, yes. All, no.)
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The flat is probably sparkling clean now, Cat’s toys arranged alphabetically and the back yard fully dusted and polished. Yup, must be time to start that assignment…
It’s slowly getting there. Not that it needed it–more as an excuse not to do school work!