Franklin, my dear
It’s been two weeks since I attempted to visit Franklin Falls, and I am pleased to say that I finally made it. Yay! Of course, I’m also a bit embarrassed to say that missing it two weeks ago was an error caused by a lack of understanding (or maybe a lack of proper signage?). Boo!
To save others the hassle, here’s the deal: When you get to the Denny Creek campground, there’s a sign that says you need a pass to go further and that you can buy that pass at one of three locations several miles away. What it doesn’t say is that there is also a cash box that you can put $2.00 into when you get to the Franklin Falls trailhead. In an effort to not break the rules by going past the sign that said (and I’m paraphrasing here): “None shall pass without a pass”, I didn’t pass.
But I digress …
Once you get to the trailhead, Franklin Falls is a mile’s walk/gentle hike away. It’s a bit uphill but it’s not an uphill slog – if you know what I mean. It’s actually quite gentle and would be great for kids or people with mild mobility issues (as long as they have help). For today’s walk, Mum stayed in the car whilst Daddy and I adventured out into the rain.
Of course, you probably don’t want to be bored with a written description so I’ll just get to the photos now! (Yay!)
[Photos were taken by me and my dad, Roy Cook. Copyright remains with the images’ taker and I’ve shared Dad’s with his permission.]

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