Goals 2024: A review
For 2024, I set out to breathe new life into old things, and I managed that – although it will be an ongoing objective as I move forward into 2025. That is because the “reduce, reuse, recycle” element of the theme has been a longstanding part of my life.
The most significant part of my 2024 objective was to buy an older house, which I managed in the first quarter. I got the keys to Castle Ryan at the end of March and was fully moved in about a week later. The house is in good condition but needs new life, which I’ve started to bring to it already. There is, of course, a lot more work to do to really bring the house to life. Hence, the theme will follow me into 2025 and beyond.
My 2024 objectives also included finishing one of my Mum’s largest projects – The 12 Days of Christmas ornaments – and completing a blanket from some wool I got from Facebook a couple of years ago. Both tasks were a success! (I also passed along a scarf I’d finished the year before, but I didn’t know it was finished so thought I would finish it in 2024.)
The “theme” for the year was more aspirational than measurable, but I feel confident saying I have made good progress towards success. There is, of course, a lot more work to do to further this theme – including all the normal self-improvement and self-reflection I like to undertake each year. After all, life evolves, and we must evolve with it to survive!
I also had varying successes with my measurable goals and objectives – from those things I didn’t attempt to those that I surpassed my expectations for. Goals that were just met include my running mileage (751.7) and step counts (4,752,178), whilst goals not even attempted include walking the Water of Leith Walkway and (finally) starting on a memory quilt from Paul’s old running shirts. (Non-attempted goals were largely because of the house move.)
On the other hand, I far exceeded my geocaching goal of 60 caches with a total of 133 finds. (Wow!) I also managed a lot of walking and worked to revamp my morning and evening routines. I also managed three Big Things: I bought a house, I applied for UK citizenship, and I completed Mum’s 12 Days of Christmas ornament project.
Although I am a little disappointed with the lack of success on many of these “little” goals, I am pleased with the results for the year because I know that the un-met goals were due to prioritising other things in life, including time with family and friends. And that alone makes life a success.
For a full breakdown and review of my 2024 goals successes (and non-successes), click here.
And, as always, stay tuned for my 2025 adventures as I work towards a new year of self-improvement and moving further forward into this (mostly) wonderful life of mine.
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