Archive: 2024 Goals
Below is an archived page for my 2024 goals, with notations and links where appropriate. For my current goals (and a link to other archived goals) visit my primary goals page.
Overarching theme: Giving new life to old things
This year will see me giving new life to old things: From houses and furniture to websites and stuff. It’s about reimaging old ideas and old ways of being; it’s about new opportunities and new adventures. But mostly, it’s about living and thriving.
Read more about my 2024 theme here.
Read a narrative update on my successes here.
Measurable goals
In addition to my “new life” theme for the year, I have a set of measurable goals and objectives that I will work on. Many of these measurable things are directly related to the wider theme. However, some are just a continuation of my goal to constantly improve on yesterday’s success to ensure that tomorrow is the best I can make it.
Health and Fitness
- Run 750+ miles [Success]
- Sub-28 5K road running time [Did not succeed]
- Sub-60 10K [Did not succeed]
- Sub-2.20.00 half-marathon [Did not succeed]
- Sub-5.00.00 marathon [Did not attempt]
- 4,750,000+ steps [Success]
- Regular fitness (work towards 90 minutes per week) [Success]
- 400+ miles of walking [Success]
- 3-minute 30-second plank [Success]
Travel and Adventure
- 16-hill walk in the Pentland Hills [Did not attempt]
- Walk the full length of the Water of Leith Walkway [Did not attempt]
- Summit Ben Nevis [Did not attempt]
- 3x solo weekend trips within the UK [Did not attempt]
Professional Life
- 3+ academic publications [In progress]
- Submit a large grant application [In progress]
- Develop 3-5 long-term goals (update from existing goals) [Success]
- Refresh all top-level pages on my PhD website [Did not attempt]
Personal Improvement and Skill Building
- Buy a house [Success]
- Apply for UK citizenship [Success]
- Start a memory quilt from Paul’s old running t-shirts [Did not attempt]
- Complete Mum’s “12 Days of Christmas” ornament project [Success]
- Refresh my weekend routines [Success]
- Refresh Just Frances website [Did not attempt]
- Earn 12+ “Rebel Badges” [Did not attempt]
- Enjoy 12+ tech/digital-free days [Success]
- Find 60 geocaches [Success]
- Develop a new budget spreadsheet [In progress]
- Write 50 cards and letters to loved ones [Did not succeed]
- Complete family cookbooks in Mum’s memory [Success]
- Cook at least 1 recipe from family cookbooks each month [Did not attempt]