Goal #1: To be blissfully happy
What does it mean to be blissfully happy? Well, prior to my amazing husband dying, it meant feeling a sense of peace and belonging in the world—something I never truly felt before September 2001 when I moved to Scotland. It also meant feeling excited about my future and it meant laughing until it hurt most days. During the few years that I was blissfully happy, I smiled and danced and laughed and enjoyed the simplicity of every-day nothingness.
I have to be honest and say that I don’t know what blissfully happy will mean for this new world that I’m facing. But I am pretty confident that the steps below will help me to reach that goal—even if some of the steps are only mechanisms to help me get to a place where I am ready to define blissful happiness.
This list may change over time and is in no particular order. I may add tasks as I identify them and I may remove ones that I feel are no longer right for me. And that’s OK as long as I keep working toward the goal.
Goal #1: To be blissfully happy
- Find a bit of joy each day (See photos here.)
- Work to re-establish self-esteem (the real stuff, not the fake-it-till-you-make-it stuff)
Apply to graduate schoolStart working toward master’s degree- Complete master’s degree
- Re-establish healthy eating habits
Find or create a social life(A real one, not the current ‘virtual’ one – which is great, but having friends in the Big Room is vital!)Read and listen to music on a regular basis[Done! Kindle ownership helps!]- Take time each day to be silly and carefree [IN PROGRESS]
Cancel the cableand start living life!- Get back in shape
— Run a 5K in 28 minutes or less [TRAINING IN PROGRESS]
—Finish a marathon[See the plan here!]
Check out my other goals!
To earn my master’s degree
To publish a book
To rule the world