Rebel Badge Tracker
I have joined the Rebel Badge Club and will work towards earning “adult merit badges” over the coming weeks and months. This page is my badge tracker. I will update it as I complete badges, linking to relevant blog posts as I go.
Read my introductory missive here.
See all posts related to my Rebel Badge Adventures here.
Creative Rebel: Express yourself
- Artist
- Craft
- Critic
- Dancer
- Designer
- Florist [Plans are afoot]
- Musician
- Photographer [Plans are afoot]
- Writer
Global Rebel: Be a global citizen
- Activist
- Animal Lover
- Community Service
- Conscious Consumer
- Emergency Helper
- Entrepreneur
- Environmentalist
- Fundraiser
- Linguist
- World Traveller
Grown-Up Rebel: Learn some life skills
- Adulting
- Baker
- Chef
- Event Planner
- Gardener
- Indoor Gardener
- Interior Designer
- Investor
- Mechanic
- Money Saver
Self-Aware Rebel: Let’s focus on you
- My Brand
- My Goals
- My Roots
- My Style
- My Talents
Wellness Rebel: Take care of yourself
- Apothecary
- Diarist: Read: My journey from “Dear Diary” to a life record
- Fitness [Plans are afoot]
- Good Habits [Plans are afoot]
- Mindfulness [Plans are afoot]
- Reader [Plans are afoot]
- Runner: Read: My lifetime of running for bling
- Self-Care [Plans are afoot]
Wild Rebel: Embrace adventure
- Adventurer
- Camper [Plans are afoot]
- Codebreaker
- Explorer
- Outdoor Cook
- Stargazer
- Survivor
- Water Sports
- Wild Swimmer
[Cover and badge images by Charly Lester]