God’s Eyes

On the drive home from the airport Friday evening, I started to think about Ojo de Dios (God’s Eyes). I don’t know what brought the thought to mind, but I’m sure it was a winding road of completely unrelated subjects. (A regular journey in my crazy little mind.)

By the time I got into town, I realised that I really wanted to make a God’s Eye. And luckily, I had almost all of the supplies needed: Yarn, scissors, and hands. Of course, I was missing the ever-important supply of popsicle sticks. So I needed to travel to the next town to purchase a box of popsicles.

Sadly, the kid managed to lose all privileges for the whole of the weekend which meant that she couldn’t help with the chore of excavating the sticks from their frozen prisons. Which meant that I needed to eat two popsicles after she went to bed on both Friday and Saturday nights* so that I had the required four popsicle sticks for today’s crafting time.

After the kid was finished with her chores (her room is amazingly clean now!), I got dinner started (homemade beef stew), we had lunch, and I did my chores (working on my personal statement for graduate school), we sat on the couch together to make some God’s Eyes. Of course, this was after I spent some time online re-learning how to make them since I’ve not done it since I was the kid’s age! (Wow! That’s 25 years ago!)

If you’re wondering, this is all a part of my life goal to be blissfully happy. Doing these simple little things is enjoyable and I’m finding that the more crafty stuff I do, the more I seem to smile, which is also why I’ve just signed up for the Sketchbook Project. Look for more on that soon! And don’t forget to check out my coursework from my online class The Art of Silliness2, too!

* She knew this was happening and was disappointed but also knows why and accepted this fact with very little argument. She managed an entire weekend of removed privileges along with extra chores with little argument as part of our “every action (or non-action) has a consequence” lesson plan. I’m a mean foster mommy, yet she’s an amazing kid despite it!

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5 Replies to “God’s Eyes”

  1. I saw the picture of these and thought they were old ones!! I have always liked “God’s Eyes”. The Kid must have enjoyed making one. Good job!

  2. Frances,
    Hey! I found your blog through my sister’s (amy’sspoonfullofsugar) I have loved reading your posts!
    This one brought back memories because I remember making these at your house with Celeste. These and those little things that you squeeze to get the hershey kiss out. Wow. Talk about memory lane! 🙂

    1. Thanks, Maile! I’ve been enjoying your sister’s blog, too. (Do you have one?) It’s crazy how reading up on each others lives makes it seem like we just saw each other yesterday when in reality it’s been (shock!) nearly 18 years.
      I forgot all about the Hershey Kiss things; that will be a great little craft to do with my foster daughter at the weekend!
      [Note to self: Stop off to buy some plastic canvas and Hershey Kisses after work this week.]

  3. Oh! I think that I need to make a few of the kisses, too. It’s been ages since I last did any. Too bad you don’t live closer…I have extra plastic canvas and yarn.

  4. Good for you on the crafting/joy front, and also the parenting thing. It’s tough instilling boundaries, rules and discipline, but it’s so worth it in the end. The most precious gift you can give is support and guidance that helps people live their lives better. Your foster daughter sounds like she understands that – a wise girl at a young age it seems

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