Halfway there: Running goals by the quarter
Today marks the halfway point of 2022 – and the halfway point for my goal of running 750 miles for the year. All thanks to quartering my efforts!
As part of my annual 750-mile goal, I decided to take advantage of the Garmin challenge of 300K per quarter (186.42 miles) to keep myself on track. That means that I need to average around 62.5 miles each month. The nice thing with this plan is that I can generally motivate myself to catch up on these “smaller” mileage goals – and if I must run 80-ish miles one month to make up the quarterly mileage, it’s not as bad as having to push out 200+ miles to make up an annual goal. (I never want to do that again!)
Indeed, after today’s 10.2-mile run my June monthly total is an even 83 miles. And that takes me beyond my Q2 goal of 186.5 to a total of 191.9 (and 378.8 miles for the year).
And I managed a new PB for a single mile, at a decent 7.30-minute mile. (Downhill, but I’m counting it.) That’s on top of a new 5K PB that I rocked out last week on a 4-mile run. (Woohoo!)
May I rest now?
The answer to that is “not yet” as I still have two more quarterly benchmarks to meet, in addition to my various time-based running goals.
Go, Frances, go!!
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