Honestly, I’ll keep blogging
It would seem that I’m not very good at this whole blogging thing of late, and I apologise for that. I suppose that it has a lot to do with the fact that I am no longer living in near isolation – meaning I have real-life people to talk to – and that I have been running around quite a bit visiting family and friends and getting ready for the start of term. But I’ve been meaning to write, really.
In fact, on Saturday I had thought I might post about how I am re-learning the art of solo site seeing. It was something that I always did before I met Paul (and did with enjoyment at that time in my life) but it would seem that now that I’m seeing the sites on my own again – and not really by choice – that it can be a little sad. But then I got sidetracked after a rather upsetting conversation and thought I’d blog about that because I needed to vent, but really didn’t want to vent here. Then Rebecca came home (as a reminder, she’s the friend I’m staying with until I get my own flat) and instead of blogging my emotions, I vented to her. It was actually good to have a real-life person to vent to, but I felt bad about burdening her. (It really helped, too, but meant that I was so emotionally drained that it was all I could do to drink half a bottle of Champagne and watch Doctor Who before going to bed.)
So then I thought I might blog about Sunday. Rebecca and I took the train through to Glasgow to check out a craft fair and to do some vintage shopping (I had success at both activities!). We also took a side trip to find the house that a former work colleague’s grandmother lived in before moving to America. (Sadly, the house seems to have been torn down.) But by the time we got home, it was time for me to Skype with one of my sisters and her kids and by the time we were done chatting I was beat and ready for an early night.
That brought me to Monday – the first day of the first semester of my postgraduate career. I had looked at a flat in the morning that I decided was perfect for me (I will update on the flat hunt later – maybe even today!) which meant that I was all smiles for my trek to campus. Once on campus, I met with my programme director and was so excited to determine my modules – one of which felt as if it was designed especially for me! But when I got home, I was too busy sharing my exciting day with Rebecca whilst we pigged out on curry that I never got around to blogging.
And then yesterday I decided that I would share all the details about my degree and what I hoped to learn and study. I even started the post. But then I learned that the module I felt was designed for me was being cancelled because only two of us signed up for it. I have to say that I was completely gutted! So instead of telling you about my courses, I spent time thinking about what module to take instead. (It’s between two and I hope to know what to do by tomorrow.) I also spent the day getting books and reading materials for next week – and actually reading in preparation. And, again, I was too beat (and emotionally exhausted) to blog about it all.
This brings us to this post: A post about the things I thought about posting about over the past few days but never did. (Really, it’s more to update my Mom and a few others who’ve indicated that they’d rather have boring “what I did today” posts than no posts at all.)
Again, I’m going to get better at this; I think I just need to get a routine sorted out. After all, blogging really is a great outlet for me and I find my life is much calmer when I’m writing. So here are a few post topics you can look forward to over the next few weeks: My first Scottish race, my first marathon, my first day of classes, my new flat, Ian Rankin, and an anecdote or two about the differences between Scotland and my part of America. Yay!
[The image with this blog was created by me with the awesome Keepcalm-O-Matic. Yay, again!]
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OH yay!!! thanks for the update. I’ve missed you!
Glad to hear you are keeping busy! The nice thing about having your own blog is you get to do it when it’s right for YOU! While we all enjoy reading, and maybe even living a little vicariously through, your adventures, you don’t have to post on our schedule! Go Live, Laugh,& Love & then tell us about it when you get around to it 🙂
nothing pithy but thanks oh thanks for the Keepcalm-O-matic!