Joyful pennies

Things don’t always happen the way we’d like them to. In fact, I can fairly say that things seem to work against my desires the majority of the time. But I am blessed because I can still find those little moments of joy along with the frustrations. (And those little moments keep me going!)

Case in point: Today I had to leave home early to make the 30-minute walk to my doctor’s office for a follow-up appointment for my hand. (It’s OK, just a bit of tendinitis.) As I walked, I grumbled to myself about not owning a car.

And I grumbled about how very, very cold it was. And I grumbled about how much I hate my hand being sore.

But then, as I neared the clinic, I spotted a dingy little 5 pence coin on the ground.

I’d have never found it if my hand didn’t require medical care. Or if I had been driving. Or maybe if it had been warmer, but I don’t know about that one.

Second case in point: Later today, as I sat in my office composing an (important to me) email, the shrill of a fire alarm sounded through the building and I had to leave my work behind and make my way out of the office. Only I didn’t take the time to grab my hat and gloves. And it was still cold – not bitterly so, but too cold for naked hands.

To stay warm whilst waiting for the all-clear to return to my office, I decided to walk around the block. And in doing so, I found a shiny little penny.

I’d have never found it if there wasn’t a fire alarm. Or if I’d not needed to walk around just to keep warm.

So no, things don’t always work the way we want them to. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find a bit of joy in the midst of the chaos.

In today’s case(s), I managed to add 6p to my 2015 found money total (which now sits at 97p). That means an extra 6p for a good cause at the end of the yearAnd, all that extra walking means that I don’t feel guilty for eating an extra cookie this evening. (Not that I would have felt guilty anyhow.)

How about you? Have you managed to find any little joys in your chaotic life today? I bet you’ll find something if you look close enough!

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