London girl
I’ve been quiet here on Just Frances once again, but if you ask my friends, they’ll tell you I haven’t been quiet in reality! That’s because I’ve been away in London. (And busy giving my first-ever public talk!)
The main reason for the trip was to attend the Great British Beer Festival, my 40th birthday present! But when it was learned that I’d never actually been to London, my friends made sure we planned for a bit of site-seeing, too.
We drove to London last Wednesday (after an overnight near Stirling) then spent Thursday touring Wimbledon and attending the beer festival. We then spent Friday touring around London before driving north on Saturday for an overnight in Wakefield. Then on Sunday, we made the scenic drive back to Scotland.
It was a fun and exciting week and I’m really looking forward to my next trip to the Big Bad City.
I’m going to end this post there because I’m super busy with a million little things (I’ll tell you about them later). But I know if I don’t post these photos now, I never will!
Oh! And a great big thank you to my wonderful friends for giving me such a wonderfully perfect and generous birthday present. I really am blessed!

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