Loosey goosey

Back in February, I told you about a never-ending project I’ve been working on with leftover bits of yarn. And I mentioned that the stitching was getting looser as I went, making the project all catawampus. At first, I thought I’d just deal with it. But then my obsessive-compulsive tendencies got the better of me and I couldn’t continue.

All of the sudden, I began to stress out about this project. It seemed such a waste, but I couldn’t possibly accept this horribly skewed thing. So I thought I’d start completely over, stitching with a larger hook and using a loose stitch from the first row. That would make the project go faster, too, which sounded good to me. But once I began that plan – stitching as I unravelled – I determined that wouldn’t work either because it just didn’t look right.

So I started to think maybe I’d just bin the whole project. No harm; no foul.

But I couldn’t bring myself to do that. So my remaining option was to unravel to the point where my stitching went awry. That thought made me sad, but at least there wouldn’t be any waste.

Which means I’ve spent a couple of hours unravelling my lovely afghan. And now I get to spend many, many, many more re-stitching. And, with a bit of consistency and discipline, maybe it will work the way it’s meant to this time around.

(One day, Mum, this will make it to your bed. I promise!)

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6 Replies to “Loosey goosey”

  1. I’m sure she will love it that much more knowing that you unraveled a good portion to make it “just right” in true Frances style! I’m with Rebecca, would have convinced myself that it was better “different with a unique touch” rather than undo my tedious labor. LOL 🙂

    1. Actually, Mom was more than happy to take it with the flaws. And at one point I even thought of unravelling to the correct bit then tying it off and calling it a lap-ghan!
      She’d better appreciate this when (if) I’m done!!

  2. You have so much more self discipline than me. I have so many projects that either have a fault in them that I convince myself no-one else but me can see, or don’t fit because I got the tension wrong (both too tight and too loose, although not usually in the same garment/project) and I can’t be bothered to unravel.
    the only exception is things made as gifts (your cowl, for example, is perfect). although now I come to think of it I do remember a jumper knitted for my sister long ago that had a line of purl across an otherwise perfect stocking stitch. I convinced myself that it was a fashion statement – hmmm!
    Lucky Mom when the afghan is finished is all I can say!

    1. Yes, my cowl is perfect!
      I had planned to continue with the crookedness, but just couldn’t do it. Way too upsetting–and way too noticeable! Believe me, I’m normally more than happy to ‘hide’ the flaws in a project. And I’m a beginner, so there are loads of flaws!

  3. Yes, I will appreciate the afghan when it’s finished. Even if there are other flaws in it after this unraveling. And, next time you come to the homeland, be sure to look through my yarn bits to see what you can use.

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