No, not really

Well, it would seem that yesterday’s story about my fantastic opportunity to cross the Atlantic in a hot air balloon was believed by at least a few people. (One friend even woke her husband to share the news. I doubt he smiled as much as I did at it!)

Anyhow, as I’m sure several people guessed, it was not real. It was merely an April Fools’ story.

And not even an original one for me. No, it’s one that Paul and I played on our website the year before he died. And, I’m pleased to say, a couple of people believed it then, too.

But, as I said, it wasn’t true. Well, except for the first three paragraphs. I am, after all, still seeking that Golden Egg known as PhD funding.

And to that, I will give another plug to my Etsy shop where you can purchase my amazing swirl drawings. (Yay!) And in the not-to-distance future, I hope to be sharing with you my other plans for finding PhD funding.

Happy Day After April Fools’ Day!

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