On beating children
I beat two children today. I didn’t plan to do it. I mean, I expected to beat one, but the other just happened. I also beat two adults. Sadly, I was beaten by a child, too.
Now, I guess that you understand the joke. If the photo didn’t give it away, however, I’ll be a little clearer.
Today was the 3rd Annual Finaghty’s St. Patty’s 5K in Snoqualmie, Washington, and I participated with my two 11-year-old nephews, Adrian and Haden, my 11-year-old foster daughter, my sister, Celeste, and her friend David. My 13-year-old nephew was going to join us but he was homesick. Oh, and my awesome parents came to show their support. As in: Daddy took photos whilst Mummy held handbags and jackets for the runners.
This was my foster daughter’s first-ever race so she held back with Celeste and David walking much of the course. The only runners in the group were me and the boys. And I was pretty confident that Haden would be in first, followed by Adrian, then me.
But I passed Adrian at the first mile marker and he wasn’t able to catch back up. (Please remember this was only his second race, and it was very hilly. This was probably the first and only time I’ll be beating him!)
Now, we’re all beat tired. But not so beat that we’re not already talking about our next race, the Bloomsday 12K in Spokane, Washington. In fact, we’re even talking about getting loads of folks to join us for a Team Buggie mojo rally! (Stay tuned for confirmation and/or details of the said rally.)
Mmm… a nice cold beer sounds good right about now.
Oh! You want times, too! So here goes:
Haden: 30:02
Just Frances: 32:16
Adrian: 36:15
My lovely foster daughter: 49:28
David: 49:34
Celeste: 49:44
Check out more race photos at Run Frances, Run!
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Good job to all of you! We wanted to be there, but we had girl scout cookies sales we had to be at, Julia’s play, and Keno’s 5th baby was born today so we were watching their other children. IT was a crazy day, but I was super sad to not be able to see you! I hope you had a blast!
Thanks, Amy! Wish you could have been there, but I promise we’ll see each other soon!
Great news about Keno and family! Babies are blessings, indeed! Please give them all my very best!