I am home in America, again. Yes, it feels like just yesterday that I was leaving, and now I am back. I had always planned…
Today marks 17 years since I became Mrs Ryan. And despite the absence of Mr Ryan, I like to mark this day as it was…
A few days ago, I shared a post about my mother and what she meant (means) to me. But she wasn’t just my mother, she…
This gallery is part of my monthly “photo dump” collection. Posts under the photo dump tag are a collection of random photographs that do not otherwise have…
On Tuesday, 29 April 1947, my mother was born. Sadly, on Monday, 24 January 2022, she died. That means that she is not here with…
It’s now been 13 years since my beloved husband, Paul, died suddenly and unexpectedly. It’s a strange feeling, being this far from the immediate grief…
I have joined the Rebel Badge Club and am looking forward to earning “adult merit badges” over the coming weeks and months as part of…
This gallery is part of my monthly “photo dump” collection. Posts under the photo dump tag are a collection of random photographs that do not otherwise have…
Trigger warning: This post recounts my time with my mother in the last hours and moments of her life. It might be an upsetting or…
I normally write a pitch for Letter Writing Month at the start of February, but it’s 2022 and things are crazy in 2022. So, instead…
I had so many amazing plans for a motivated, positive start to 2022. But here I am, at the start of the third month of…
This gallery is part of my monthly “photo dump” collection. Posts under the photo dump tag are a collection of random photographs that do not otherwise have…
Today, I am 48 years old. And today hurts. Not because I’m 48, but rather because I am now officially older than my late husband.…
I arrived home from my homeland holidays last week and have finally managed to finish unpacking and organising all my luggage. It was a bit…
I arrived home in Scotland yesterday, a month later than my initial plan. Home, and heartbroken… My holiday was meant to be a wonderfully happy…
My mother died on Monday, 24 January 2022 and I have missed her since her last breath left her body. I will miss her forever,…
Today is the Lunar New Year, marking the Year of the Tiger. This is an important “zodiac” sign* for me because I was born in…
This gallery is part of my monthly “photo dump” collection. Posts under the photo dump tag are a collection of random photographs that do not otherwise have…
My holidays home to America have been very different than expected. I planned to arrive just before Christmas to spend time with my parents and…
It was inevitable, as they say. COVID19 has come home. I mean, it’s not come to my home, but it came to my youngest sister’s…