Last week I finally got around to seeing my new doctor and this week I’m regretting it just that little bit. You see, on the outside, I look like a perfectly healthy, 37-year-old woman. (Though some people think I look younger than that, which is cool.) On the outside, no one would ever guess that on the inside my body is not-so-healthy.
Of course, the problem with looking healthy and (mostly) feeling healthy is that I sometimes forget that I’m not as healthy as I appear. And when I neglect to go to the doctor’s office for checkups, I can forget a lot easier. (Kind of.)
Anyhow, back to the story: Last week I went to meet my new doctor and he promptly had me schedule an appointment for blood work – a standard procedure for someone with ITP. So, on Friday afternoon I went back for labs and was told I’d have the results in about a week. And when the phone rang Monday morning and the person on the other end introduced herself as someone from the clinic, my heart sank. It’s never a good thing when you get a call…
And so, yesterday I learned that my platelet count is 50. (Normal range is 150-400.)
Now, that’s not a really bad number (I’m normally around 70-80) but it’s always a bit worrying because I never know if a lower-than-my-normal number is because it was really low and is now climbing up, or if it’s on its way down. Which means stress and worry and paranoia.
The doctor wants me to go back in on Monday for another blood draw to see where I am. I’m hoping that it’s climbing up because I’ll be a little (maybe even a lot) sad if it goes lower.
And that means that for the next few days I will be obsessed with ITP and platelets. I will worry about this, that, and the next thing. I will have irrational fears that it’s getting worse. I will dream about cutting my finger and bleeding forever. I will second guess every niggly little twinge (Yikes! Is that spontaneous internal bleeding?) and will panic at the smallest bruise. I will be afraid to exert too much energy and I will worry that I’m pushing myself too hard. I will wonder if I’m tired because I’ve just spent a day running errands or if it’s ITP-induced fatigue.
I’m always careful and aware of my condition(s), but it seems that my carefulness goes into overdrive when I know that my counts are low. You see, this is why I shouldn’t have gone to the doctor. If I hadn’t gone, I would never have known, and I could have carried on pretending that I’m just a normal, everyday, healthy 37-year-old woman.
However, it’s OK. I’m OK. Everything will be OK. So please don’t worry about me. I’m not in any danger; I’m not sick and dying. I just have a lower platelet count than I want.
It’s days like this when I really miss Paul. I mean, he would be just as obsessed as I am about my counts and would commiserate or celebrate with me when the numbers came in. And, of course, if they were lower than I’d hoped, Paul could be counted on to wait on me hand-and-foot and completely fuss over me with his “A woman in your condition…” line. And even though I didn’t need to be fussed over, it was nice.
But now the real question is how I can spin this so that I can get my friends to fuss and take pity on me and come over to clean my flat. You know, because I shouldn’t stress myself out just now. You know, in case it hurts next week’s counts. I mean, a woman in my condition… (No? No volunteers? Darn!)
[Note: That’s a picture of my platelets from last year. So, those 10 guys are like the ancestors of the 50 I have now.]
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I’d come fuss over you, but it’s out of my price range right now. Maybe when I win the lottery. Hope those numbers are on their way up.
I’ll do your’s if you do mine…
[apostrophe crisis – with or without? Help, don’t know!!!]
No apostrophe. Not on ‘yours’ anyways…
And don’t worry, Aunt Awesome. Not the same kind of paranoia as I have of the stuff in the dark and Vashta Nerada, but paranoia sucks. It’s annoying and it won’t go away. Like when you see a spider of your pants and keep thinking you feel one on your shoulder of somethig. 🙁 You can make it through this, though.
I will just pretend you didn’t say to not worry about you. Cuz there is no way I CAN’T worry about you. Silly girl. Love you, and crossing everything that the platelet count goes UP!!
Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the good thoughts and prayers. I am feeling pretty confident that my numbers will be up with Monday’s count–but no matter what they are I will be sure to share an update with everyone!!
I hope the count goes up soon! 🙂 xx